


Installation Detailed Tutorial for X-UI

System Function Introduction#

x-ui is a powerful VPN management panel with the following features:

  • Multi-protocol support: including vmess, vless, trojan, shadowsocks, dokodemo-door, socks, http.
  • Multi-user support: suitable for teams and individuals.
  • Web-based visual operation: a clean and intuitive web-based interface.
  • Traffic statistics and management: traffic statistics, user traffic restrictions, setting user expiration time.
  • Configurable transmission settings: support for rich transmission configuration options.
  • Customizable Xray configuration template: customize the configuration as needed.
  • Security considerations: support for accessing the panel via HTTPS, requires a domain name and SSL certificate.
  • Advanced configuration options: provide more advanced configuration options.


Before installing the x-ui panel, the following preparations need to be completed:

1. Domain Name Preparation#

  • Obtain a domain name and resolve it to Cloudflare.
  • Ensure that the domain name can be pinged.

2. VPS Preparation#

  • Prepare an overseas VPS.
  • Install mainstream operating systems such as Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS.

3. Environment Preparation#

  • Download and install the FinalShell SSH tool according to the operating system.

  • Update the runtime environment:

    Debian/Ubuntu system:

  apt update -y && apt install -y curl && apt install -y socat

CentOS system:

  yum update -y && yum update -y && yum install -y socat

Installation and Configuration Steps#

Install Environment and Dependencies#

  1. Install Acme script and apply for SSL certificate:
   curl https://get.acme.sh | sh
   ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --register-account -m [email protected]
   ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d your_domain.com --standalone
   ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --installcert -d your_domain.com --key-file /root/private.key --fullchain-file /root/cert.crt

Install x-ui Panel#

  1. Install x-ui:
   bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vaxilu/x-ui/master/install.sh)
  1. Configure BBR2 acceleration (optional):
   wget --no-check-certificate -q -O bbr2.sh "https://github.com/yeyingorg/bbr2.sh/raw/master/bbr2.sh" && chmod +x bbr2.sh && bash bbr2.sh auto

Initial Setup and Port Opening#

  • The default web port is 54321, and the default username and password are admin.
  • Make sure that port 54321 is not occupied and allow this port in the firewall.

Management and Maintenance Commands#

Use the following commands to manage and maintain x-ui:

x-ui          # Display the management menu and provide more options.
x-ui start    # Start the x-ui panel.
x-ui stop     # Stop the x-ui panel.
x-ui restart  # Restart the x-ui panel.
x-ui status   # View the status of x-ui.
x-ui enable   # Set x-ui to start on boot.
x-ui disable  # Disable x-ui from starting on boot.
x-ui log      # View the x-ui log.
x-ui v2-ui    # Migrate v2-ui account data from this machine to x-ui.
x-ui update   # Update the x-ui panel.
x-ui install  # Install the x-ui panel.
x-ui uninstall # Uninstall the x-ui panel.

Other Considerations#

  • When configuring the domain name and SSL certificate, make sure to follow all steps to avoid security issues.
  • Regularly check and update the software to ensure system security and stability.
  • Monitor traffic and user activity to prevent abuse of the service.

By following the above steps, you can efficiently install, configure, and maintain the x-ui panel.

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